What I'm Thankful for in 2016.

December 31, 2016

Decided to take a break from Travel writing (abit) because well, evidently I got pree busy. With so much going on my side, I had a light bulb moment *ding* to look back, reflect and stroll down along the year of 2016.

I'm thankful:

1) Second Chances
From December 2015 to Feb 2016, I had my PRCP (Pre-Registration Consolidation Programme?) for my course in Nursing. Basically, internship.
For some reason, looking back, I literally HAD NO IDEA what the fuck I was doing the whole time.

I just remembered crying and getting a lot of nagging and scolding and bla bla bla bla blaaaaaaaa.
Okay apparently I was doing 'that great', and 'That great', I meant HORRENDOUS, so terrible that I actually Failed.
Somehow, an angel appeared and decides be nice and told me,

"You have 3 days to prove all of us, and me wrong."

Awwww Bij THANK YOU!

and Challenged Accomplished. ^^

I guess partially the drama queen could make an impact.
But the thing that I was so worried of if I failed, not because of pride issues, but the fact that I already booked my Tickets to Europe with my Hard earned money LOLOLOL.

2) Good Health
Yeh yeh yeh as Cliche as in sounds, I'm pretty thankful for the fact that right now I do not have any sorts of short/long term medical problems (i.e. High Cholesterol, Hypertension etc etc)
Well it doesn't mean I should be complacent with my health.

Mom being Hospitalised for Cholelithiasis and underwent Cholecystectomy, made me realised how important health is. And being in the Health industry, BY RIGHT, is should be setting an example. But BY LEFT, it's not happening.

Health is something no money can buy.
I work in a Private Hospital. Trust me.
All these paying class people getting admitted and re-admitted for the same medical issue.
one word= HEADACHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3) Supportive AF Family

My family is pretty Multi-racial. There's like chinese, Portuguese, Indian, Filipino, Peranakan... LIKE SUPER ROJAK, and I can't wait for the expansion of it once I get married, which I don't know if it's ever gonna happen *cries*

So anyhoo, Since young, I've always had the mindset that I had to stand on my 2 feet independently and not rely on anyone. So I remembered the very day mom got sick, I panicked, got her to the hospital, told my family members about it, and 15 minutes later, My sister and my bro-in-law appeared at the hospital A&E. :')

Being a student then, I had basically NO money, and although mom works, it can't cover her medical expenses. Nothing said, My sisters settled it.

It made me realise, how much I actually do need them. and though they maybe just half-ly related, they still treat me like their own.

Oh yeah, my sisters are twins, could you tell?
And they give me their unwanted make up hehe

3) The other Supportive AF Family.

Chinese side, now off to the Pinoy side.

My pinoy family is like HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEE OMG. What you see on the pictures isn't event 1/16 of how huge my pinoy side is.
I swear, If i were to marry someone in that province, I could end up marrying my own relative omgosh.

They may not do much help on the financial side, but they are super supportive in the emotional and spiritual sense. They pray a lot for mom and I, for my studies then.
And when I went back to visit, they threw a party in my honour!
We had a priest to come and bless the food too! SO CUTE LA OMG

and we drank every night which makes them good drinking buddies deffos!

4) New Beginnings

Witnessing the Proposal of Lohges and Supra, man that was beautiful. And it was even more meaningful that I could be part of the surprise.

Remembered how Maisarah and I were rushing here and there in a Van to get balloons and to get some corkboard with pictures, then rushing to the Helix Bridge to set up the camera and stuff, and communicating with Supra in between to check on their progress.

But the main important thing is, we made Lohges cryyyyyyy!!!! tears of joy of course.

Update: They are Marrrrieeedddddddd #pregnantat25 right Lohges :p

Ahh Of course.
Taken on my very first day of work when I was freaking out and a total noob.
6 months later, I'm a confirmed Nurse, that's still a total noob, a little less freaking out.

5) Little Surprises

Received this little Hong Bao from one of my patients back in the Lunar New Year Season!
I was like..

"FO ME?!?!? FO SURE?!?!?! WHY THANK YOU VEH MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was still a student back and I don't think I was doing much then to impact anyone,
sooooo this was definitely a nice Surprise  :)


I worked on my Birthday this year because I was stupid af not to take leave, and because I worked the ward became busier than usual, and I got the blamed for it.

And another thing I received was a

Yes, my beloved colleagues decide to surprise with that mouthwatering piece of ass, you call CHOCOLATE CAKE.

I was truly taken aback, because being only a month into work, ooooh I didn't think I deserve anything so Diabetic(sweet). HEHE

Thanks y'all!

Interesting story behind this picture.

I Randomly met this dude on a Grab Car ride home (he was the driver) after a night of exhaust clubbing, and we struck a conversation. He asked where I clubbed yet, and he recommended me some good clubs etc etc

and a convo lead to us realising we went to schools that were opposite each other, and we were in the same O'Level cohort and we had common friends, and that the world is toooo smalll.


 One of my favourite Human beings in the world decides to be OH-SO generous, and sent me a box of my FAVOURITE STROOOPWAFELS, ON MY BIRTHDAY (but it came late) ALL THE WAY FROM MY FAVE EUROPEAN CITY, Amsterdam.

Like " Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmn"

I was like speechless when mom came with a box that had my name on it, and what followed after was dramatic twist.

Ok la, I smiled then sobbed hysterically because it was by far the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.
and I mean Literally sweet because it's Caramel Waffles :3

The surprise is actually coming from him,
because most of the time, I'd be the one showering him with gifts, and all I get in return, is just random snaps from him in attempts to annoy me, but I was pree content with what I was receiving.

SO YAS, indeed Totally completelyyyy Surprised!
Thankkssss Erikkkkk!! :D

6) Travelling Opportunity

2 Girls, fresh out of poly.

50 days, 7 countries, 11 cities
with a budget of less than SGD 3000.

No planning, Just go with the flow, and it happened.

I can not be anymore thankful for that amazing opportunity, and being able to share it with one of baddest and best girls I have, now that's really once in a life time.

Thank you, Talya, for sharing this amazing adventure with me.
For the ups and downs of our time together,
and for the memories made that will last a lifetime.
Thank you.

and also for that creative video montage, like whuttttttt?????? So good!!!!
check it out please!

7) StageArts 

3 years (faithfully) in a club that's full of Drama, craziness, bullshit, and a lot of stressing, made me realised, I'm done with that shit.

Haha no definitely not.
But It made me realise that behind my Nursing, my true passion lies within Drama and Performing.
and StageArts allowed me to live in my passion, and be a rockstar for a little while.
And the people I've come to love, well, let's just say, they are irreplaceable :>

Oh, you know who you are.

8) Bunch of ever so loving Colleagues

No doubt, a entertaining bunch of Nurses :D
Thank you for all of your never ending support, patience and nagging, that has helped me to pass my probation and nowwww...
I'm confirmedddd bitchessss

Throw in some laughter and a whole lot of dirty jokes, and well, I have the best bunch of working colleagues ever!

9) Friendships
(Many parts Idk where to begin)

(i) Newly Formed Friendships

Mainly My couchsurfing hoess!
Shout out to all of you whom I met while either travelling around, or on my CS events! You people are freakin awesome!! Because you have validated how super sociable I can really me.

NOOO I'm totes kidding. But I'm Honoured to have had the golden opportunity to meet so many people of different background and beliefs, yet have the same interests, which is TRAVEL!!!!!!!

To the people whom I've had the previlege to meet while travelling around Europe with Talya, once again thank you so much for hosting us and tolerating our antics. I'm pree sure You might want more of it. :D

Hope y'all are doing okay right now, and just know, that if you ever drop by Singapore again, well, you know who you can count on :D

(ii) Friendships Maintained
Too many people to post!! Don't mind if I list some.

- To those on the other side of the world, but we talk everyday like we just saw each other.
(Yes Viv, You!!!  I will see you in April!!!!!!!)

Thank you for letting me annoy you, but just so you know, when I'm upset at 3am,  you people are the first I'll contact because of this 6 hour time difference.

- To My AC girls whom I haven't lost touch with.

Man, I can remember like it was just yesterday that we were having our shifts together. It was fun selling chocolate together no doubt :D Sometimes I wished we all still worked there. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

- To My Katong Convent Girlies

Well, "IJ friends are friends for life"


- To The Childhood Friends that grew up and transformed to Adults together,

I can't wait to start collecting unglam pictures of yall from our childhood and I'm going to EMBARRASS YOU SO BAD DURING YOUR WEDDING IN THE FUTURE MUAHAHAHAHHAHA

Omg Im actually quite tired to list down.
But basically, to those with whom I'm still in touch with today, thank you for being part of my life. You've definitely impacted me, and I'm glad I, at least, have some sort of meaning to you, to still be in yours.

(iii) Friendships Lost
Well fuck you. hehe jokes (abit)

People change. people disagree.
Life sucks

and then you die.


Well that's what I'm thankful for in 2016 for you.
What about you? What are you thankful for in 2016?

May not be much, but whatever, I'm still very content with what I have.

As the year draws near to a close, and as a new year begins, I can't wait to find out what's in store for me.

Aye, which also means..




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